Determinants of Household Poverty Status in Kediri City


  • Mohamad Khusaini Universitas Brawijaya
  • Ferry Prasetyia Universitas Brawijaya
  • Yennie Dwi Rozanti Universitas Brawijaya



household poverty status, logistic ordinal, micro data, social welfare integrated data, village potential data


Analyses of the causes and the characteristics of poverty at micro levels provide more efficient strategies for the attainment of main Sustainable Development Goals. This study aimed to analyze the extent to which the characteristics of individuals, households, and communities influence the probability of household poverty status. The 2019 Social Welfare Integrated Data and Village Potential Data of Kediri City were analyzed using an ordered logit regression model and then interpreted based on marginal effect calculation. The study found that household heads’ squared-age, household members’ education, household members’ occupation, household head gender (female), ownership of assets, access to the internet, access to proper sanitation, and access to financial institutions reduced the probability of households being categorized as very poor and poor. This finding indicated that household productivity influenced by the household head’s characteristics in managing productive assets, supported by access to infrastructure, could increase the household's welfare. However, the household head’s age and marital status, dependency ratio, and access to health facilities increased household’s probability of being very poor and poor. Policies regarding poverty must be adjusted to the poverty characteristics and status. Improving access, equalizing education, and improving job opportunity and infrastructure management that ensure accessibility and enhancement in service quality need to be made to increase the status of households with the lowest 40% welfare in Kediri City. Policies regarding poverty should be focused more on social programs for very poor and poor households. Meanwhile, those near-poor and vulnerable-to-poor need more empowering programs.


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