The Determinants of Environmental Quality in Indonesia


  • Peris Frengki Butarbutar Direktorat Inventarisasi Gas Rumas Kaca dan Monitoring, Pelaporan dan Verifikasi
  • Candra Fajri Ananda Universitas Brawijaya
  • Ferry Prasetya Universitas Brawijaya



Environmental Index, PROPER, Environmental Damage, Environmental Degradation, Indonesia



This research analyzes the determinants of environmental quality in 32 Indonesian provinces in the period between 2013-2019.


This research method used an ordinal logistic regression analysis approach where the dependent variable consists of cumulative predicate categories based on the EQI assessment interval as determined by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.


This study finds that the per capita GDRP and poverty have positive and significant effects on the Environmental Quality Index. However, The Human Development Index and expenditures in environmental and forestry functions have negative and significant effects.

Research limitations/implications                                                                                                                                                                                  

Based on the findings, the local and central government, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in cooperation with business people required to conduct the Environmental Impact Analyses, should participate in PROPER.


This study will show how the inter-components of economic development, social development, income and expenditure on environmental and forestry functions affect each category of the Environmental Quality Index (EQI) predicate.


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