Author Guidelines


The journal publishes original papers, short communications and review articles in English (British spelling). The author is fully responsible for the originality of the paper and factual correctness. The paper must not have been submitted or published elsewhere. Manuscripts can only be submitted through our on-line system and upload your manuscript following the instructions given in tab Guide for Authors. Authors are urged to have the manuscript critically appraised before it is submitted. The Editorial Board decides on its publication, taking into account peer reviews, scientific importance, and manuscript quality. Papers suitable for consideration will be sent to at least two referees.

Copyright. The journal is protected by copyright held by the publisher after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. As concerns the transfer of rights, the corresponding author takes over responsibility for all authors. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without written permission.

The manuscript should consist of the following sections: Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Address of corresponding author, Tables and Legends to Figures.

Occasionally it may be advisable to combine Results and Discussion.


  1. Papers submitted to the Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere and free from plagiarism. It should contribute novelty for the knowledge development.
  2. Articles should be written in English (either British or American English), although articles in Indonesian is acceptable with some additional fees for translating the articles.



  1. A cover page should include the title of the paper, the author€™s name, without any academic title. Acknowledgment, if any, should be written as the footnote of the manuscript€™s title.
  2. An abstract with 100-300 words lengths with single-spaced, should be presented immediately after the cover page, containing the objective of the study, research methods, and findings of the study. Keywords and JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) Classifications should be provided at the end of abstract.
  3. The articles should be in MS Word format, Cambria 12 pt, one side of A4 paper, be 1.5 spaced, and between 3,000 and 8,000 words in length including references and appendixes. The main parts include introduction, previous studies or literature review, research methods, findings, and conclusions. The previous studies or literature review can also be included in the introduction.


  1. Each tables and figures should be numerically numbered and titled explaining the contain of tables or figures.
  2. Tables and figures should contain adequate information to allow the reader to understand them without referring to the text.
  3. Notes and sources of data in tables or figures should be placed directly below the tables or figures.



  1. Text citation should be presented in an €œauthors-year system€ such as (Kuncoro, 2006), or (Manning and Pratomo, 2006) for two authors, or (Kuncoro et al, 2006) for three and more authors.
  2. For books: surname, initials. (year). title of book. publisher. place of publication. Example:  Manning, A. (2003). Monopsony in Motion. Princeton University Press. Princeton.
  3. For book chapters: surname, initials. (year). chapter title. Editor€™s surname. initials (Ed). title of book. publisher. place of publication. pages. Example: Rice, R. (2004). The Contribution of Household and Small Manufacturing Establishments to the Rural Economy. Leinbach, T (Ed). The Indonesian Rural Economy: Mobility, Work and Enterprise, ISEAS. Singapore. 90-114. 
  4. For journals: surname, initials. (year). title of articles. journal name, volume (number), pages. Example: Zucker, A. (1973). Minimum Wages and the Long Run Elasticity of Demand for Low-wage Labor. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 87(2), 267-277. 
  5. For conference proceedings: surname, initials. (year). title of paper, paper presented at name of conference. place of conference. date of conference. Example: Bird, K. and Manning, C. (2002). The Impact of Minimum Wages on Employment and Earnings in the Informal Sector. Paper presented at the 8th East Asian Economic Association, Kuala Lumpur, 4-5 November. 
  6. For working papers: surname, initials. (year). title of article. working paper. Number if available. institution or organization. place of institution. date. Example: Feridhanusetyawan, T. And Damuri, Y. R. (2004). Economic Crisis and Trade Liberalization: A CGE Analysis on The Forestry Sector. CSIS Working Paper No. WPE 079. CSIS. Jakarta. 
  7. For unpublished papers or dissertation/thesis: surname, initials. (year). title. unpublished paper/dissertation/thesis. Institution. place of institution. Example: Poputra, A. T. (2009). Income Tax Conformation in Indonesia. Unpublished Dissertation. Unversitas Gadjah Mada. Indonesia. 
  8. For electronic sources: The full URL should be supplied at the end of the reference, as well as the date when the resource was accessed.
  9. If there are two or more references by same author, arrange chronologically according to the year of issuance.


Correspondences about the papers that will be published can be addressed directly to the:


Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya

Jl. Mayjen Haryono 165 Malang, Indonesia

Phone: +62-341-551396 ext: 105




Compliance with these instructions is obligatory for all authors. If a manuscript does not fulfill these requirements, the editorial office will not accept it for consideration but will return it to the authors without reviewing.